Your Child is the most precious gift from God
Make sure you admit your Child in a good School
A good School provides all round Education
A good School is guided, administered and inspired by
A vibrant, efficient, well mannered and a Convent educated Principal
You can helped by

Your Child is the most precious gift from God
Make sure you admit your Child in a good School
A good School provides all round Education
A good School is guided, administered and inspired by
A vibrant, efficient, well mannered and a Convent educated Principal
You can helped by


Christian Minority Unaided
A Missionary Venture
Owned, established, and administered by International Christian Education Foundation (Regd.)
Affiliated to the Council for I.S.C.E., New Delhi.

Christian Minority Unaided
A Missionary Venture
Owned, established, and administered by International Christian Education Foundation (Regd.)
Affiliated to the Council for I.S.C.E., New Delhi.

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United Kingdom.



In the long annals of Christian Missions, there is no more inspiring page than which tells of the labours of this Spanish missionary. He was born at Xavero (Xavier) on April 7, 1506, educated in Paris and became a lecturer in Philosophy. Francis Xavier began his missionary career, preached in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and died in Canton (China). He was a man of great courage and attractive personality and the Church declared him a Saint. St. Francis Xavier's mortal remains are venerated at Bom Jesus Basilica, Goa.

In the long annals of Christian Missions, there is no more inspiring page than which tells of the labours of this Spanish missionary. He was born at Xavero (Xavier) on April 7, 1506, educated in Paris and became a lecturer in Philosophy. Francis Xavier began his missionary career, preached in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and died in Canton (China). He was a man of great courage and attractive personality and the Church declared him a Saint. St. Francis Xavier's mortal remains are venerated at Bom Jesus Basilica, Goa.



I am immensely happy to see the growth of St. Xavier's Schools under the able leadership of the Principals and their dedicated team of teachers and other diligent members of the staff. The school is progressing on all fronts and it is heartening to see the students excelling in various fields. I congratulate all the staff members and trusted parents. God bless you all!!

I am immensely happy to see the growth of St. Xavier's Schools under the able leadership of the Principals and their dedicated team of teachers and other diligent members of the staff. The school is progressing on all fronts and it is heartening to see the students excelling in various fields. I congratulate all the staff members and trusted parents. God bless you all!!



Dear Observers,
Welcome to St. Xavier’s Schools, a Missionary venture.

St. Xavier’s Schools strive to serve humanity and the Universe through Education with the medium being English. Class Teachers are mostly Convent schooled. Greater emphasis is on co-curricular activities, comprehensive development through self discovery, honing of individual skills through Dramatics, Debate, Innovations, skill development, being sensitive and moving towards greater awareness to all things living, besides academics. 

God, the Creator of the Universe and all life, Has infused in every human life, the ability to be merged as one with the immensity of creation, through the spiritual process and St. Xavier’s Schools aspire to welcoming God’s kingdom and God’s Will within and around all those who seek that Eternity.

The Almighty has given all of us a life to discover who we are, to be one with the Universe and to do His will. Live the dream of awareness, instil into practice, your School motto,”Live For Others”. Be sensitive to everything around you as there is life in everything. Keep your mind open to receiving by believing you know nothing. Keep seeking answers to everything you experience and do not be curbed by academic and society’s thought process as there is a huge reservoir to learn that is prevailing in the Universe which wants to share the same with us provided we are open to it. Let’s all strive to make our humanity free from sickness, diseases and allow greater peace, love and harmony with all things living by inventing devices and technology that is provided free to all. In doing so, the Universe will bless you immensely comprehensively.

Dear Observers,
Welcome to St. Xavier’s Schools, a Missionary venture.

St. Xavier’s Schools strive to serve humanity and the Universe through Education with the medium being English. Class Teachers are mostly Convent schooled. Greater emphasis is on co-curricular activities, comprehensive development through self discovery, honing of individual skills through Dramatics, Debate, Innovations, skill development, being sensitive and moving towards greater awareness to all things living, besides academics. 

God, the Creator of the Universe and all life, Has infused in every human life, the ability to be merged as one with the immensity of creation, through the spiritual process and St. Xavier’s Schools aspire to welcoming God’s kingdom and God’s Will within and around all those who seek that Eternity.

The Almighty has given all of us a life to discover who we are, to be one with the Universe and to do His will. Live the dream of awareness, instil into practice, your School motto,”Live For Others”. Be sensitive to everything around you as there is life in everything. Keep your mind open to receiving by believing you know nothing. Keep seeking answers to everything you experience and do not be curbed by academic and society’s thought process as there is a huge reservoir to learn that is prevailing in the Universe which wants to share the same with us provided we are open to it. Let’s all strive to make our humanity free from sickness, diseases and allow greater peace, love and harmony with all things living by inventing devices and technology that is provided free to all. In doing so, the Universe will bless you immensely comprehensively.


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